regnancy, postpartum, the journey into motherhood, we all know these are life altering experiences. There are so many beautiful parts in this journey, but big feelings (uncertainty, anxiety, grief, depression, anger) often accompany big changes. Our roles and responsibilities change drastically, overnight. Our identity is altered, whether it’s your first child or 5th. If that isn’t enough to manage, modern motherhood can be messy to navigate, with more information at our fingertips and less support than ever.

Occupational Therapists (OTs) can play a unique role in perinatal and maternal health because of their focus on function. OTs are experts in helping you DO the things you want and need. The things we do in life, anything that “occupies” our time and energy, we call an “occupation.” Using a holistic assessment, we take into consideration personal factors (physical, cognitive, affective), the environment and the occupation (activity/task) to understand strengths and barriers to participating in meaningful activities. 

The “occupations” of a new, expecting, or seasoned mom can vary anywhere from breastfeeding/feeding, sleep, self-care, returning to work, managing a household, navigating relationships, getting out into the community, and so much more. Often client’s might notice that they’re feeling overwhelmed, lost, isolated, guilty, burnt out, anxious, depressed, or angry - a general dissatisfaction with how they’re engaging in life. OTs help clients understand how to overcome barriers, draw on their strengths and engage in what’s meaningful. We help you actually integrate strategies and tools into your life in a way that works for you. 

No two OT treatment plans look the same because they are unique to each client! Commonly used tools in perinatal and maternal health can include: skill building, education, nervous system and sensory strategies, mood management and relaxation, habit and routine adaptation, mindfulness, self-compassion, task analysis, ergonomic and environmental strategies. It depends all on what it is you want to do, what personal strengths or barriers you may have, the type of environment in which you perform the task, and a breakdown of the task itself. 

Now more than ever, women need a supportive community to thrive in modern motherhood. There are undoubtedly gaps in how women are supported into and throughout motherhood and I believe OT is uniquely positioned to help fill those gaps. Together we can navigate this tender and vulnerable change with compassion and curiosity. 

If you’re struggling with the transition into and through motherhood and haven’t considered OT as part of your circle of care, maybe it’s time! You can book a free discovery call with Elissa to learn more. If you’re a provider who has a client who has identified these challenges or who struggles to integrate strategies you discuss in session, OT might be a great fit! Reach out via email to discuss how we could work together (