We are often told that taking care of yourself makes it easier to take care of your family, but that can be much easier said than done at times. The postpartum stage can definitely be one of those times. Having a good support system and postpartum plan that allows you to take care of yourself and get your treatments in is more important than we might realize. As a single, breastfeeding parent, I was lacking support in my life and was unable to find the time for my postpartum treatments. Even when Dr. Tara offered to come to my place, the pressure of having to look presentable by showering, brushing my hair and teeth seemed like a lot without the external support.
From my experience as an RMT, I often don’t see moms until later in their postpartum journey, somewhere around 6-12 months, although I always encourage them to come in sooner. Massage therapy is often viewed as a luxury, but I would encourage you to make it a part of your postpartum plan. Prenatal dyads will typically come in 1-2 times per month until birth but once baby arrives mom struggles to find a moment for herself and mom guilt may prevent her from taking time away from baby.
Massage therapy provides a moment of peace to relax in a safe space. The time away from your little one allows you to focus on yourself, to recharge from missed sleep and busy days. Massage therapy can help provide relief from your nursing postures and our prenatal tables allow new moms to lie on their stomachs, if they prefer, even when breast/chest feeding. I have also recently added shoulder wedges into my positioning to provide relief from the pressure from the breast/chest feeding if needed.
The hips and pelvis are another area that can be affected post-birth and combining massage therapy with chiropractic and/or pelvic health physiotherapy can be extremely beneficial to help your body adapt to the biomechanical changes in the postpartum period.
Infant massage can also be extremely beneficial to help your little one adapt their nervous systems to the stressors of the real world. That being said, it is not always necessary to bring your baby in for a massage therapy appointment if you are not comfortable. I can provide you with techniques and a routine so that you can massage your little one after bath time at home, this can be a great way to bond with them, connect with their nervous system and provide comfort.
Erica Pisciotto
Registered Massage Therapist