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Chiropractic Care
$60 (Regular Follow-up)
$90 (Extended Follow-up)
$125 (Initial Assessment + Treatment)

Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands on treatment to address any areas of discomfort. Our chiropractors practice a manual approach, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventative care. Insurance receipts are provided after treatment and direct billing is available.
Medical Acupuncture
$90 (30 min)

30 min follow up acupuncture treatments after your initial chiropractic assessment. Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a technique that involves inserting fine needles into specific sites on the body in order to modulate abnormal activity in the nervous system. This can assist with a wide array of symptoms and conditions including but not limited to muscle pain, joint pain, headaches/migraines, PMS/painful periods, TMJ and stress/anxiety. Insurance receipts are provided after treatment and direct billing is available.
Pediatric Chiropractic Care
$55 (Regular Follow-up)

$115 (Initial Assessment + Treatment)
Dr. Jones offers specific care for infants/children. Pediatric Chiropractic can help with latching/breastfeeing issues, torticollis (issues turning head), growing pains, headaches, postural pain as well as promoting proper spinal and nervous system development.