Infant/Pediatric Massage

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Infant/Pediatric Massage

 Infant/Child massage is all about encouraging healthy touch and trusting human contact for you and your little one.  As the past few years has taught us, human connection is an important part of a healthy, happy life. Massage provides tactile stimulation, relaxation, as well as regulation of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.  Working with an RMT can help boost your confidence in massaging your child and help you to learn how they communicate with you on a daily basis. 

Offered by Pam Lawson,  Erica Pisciotto, & Megan Prenty

Massage therapy Pricing

Pediatric Massage
$75 (30 min)
$100 (45 min)
$115 (60 min)
As the past few years has taught us, human connection is an important part of a healthy, happy life. Massage provides tactile stimulation, relaxation, as well as regulation of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.